Happy New Year!

I know this is long overdue.? We had sacrament meeting talks this past Sunday on procrastination.? I think this blog falls under that category.? I think it is safe to say that we won’t be posting more than once a month.? I don’t want to set unrealistic goals for myself in the new year.?

Well, Christmas was great and it was much fun spending time with Marc’s sister and her family.? We miss them terribly and felt fortunate to spend time with them over the break.? We have many new happenings in our family that we would like to share.?

First of all,? Audrey turned 8 yesterday!!!? She had a “Horsey” birthday party with some school friends here at the house on Friday evening.? The girls and Carson were cute in their horse tails and ears prancing around the backyard playing horse games.? Next on the agenda is Audrey’s baptism.? Februrary 16th is the special day.? Audrey and I got to go shopping with my mom to buy Audrey’s special white dress.? She looks like a beautiful young lady.? Thanks G.G. for the wonderful dress and shoes that Audrey will wear with her beaming smile on her special day.? We look forward to seeing Von, Aaron, Carmen, and Sylvia who are all making the sacrifice of coming from out of town to share in this important day in Audrey’s life.

Also, very importantly, Gracie has announced her first loose tooth.? I will keep you all posted on the progress.? She is very excited to have her first visit from the tooth fairy, especially since her cousin, Bryce, who is six months younger than her has already lost two teeth.? “NO FAIR” are Gracie’s thoughts on that matter.

One more piece of information from our family in this new year can be found in these pictures that I took from our living room wall…..

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Yes, that’s right baby number 4 will be joining us late this summer.? We are all very excited and can’t wait to see our love grow as a family.?

?Until next month,


3 Responses

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  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! to all the Coria women (and men). What a post worth waiting for.

    BTW, after reading that I realized that Audrey shares a birthday w/ Steve’s mom. Weird that I never made that connection before since we’ve talked about her sharing w/ Veronica.

  2. Hooray for Number 4! I DID think it was weird that Ginger said she thought that Sylvia, me and her would all be pregnant at the same time. But I must say I was still surprised.

  3. What’s so wierd about it? You both still could be soon…

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