Sweet baby girl

Well, I know I have been procrastinating and have most likely lost my blog reader following (all of about 3 people probably), but I’m back and am not making any promises about how often I will post.  I have been very busy with our new addition, Sophia.  She just turned 6 weeks old and look how sweet she is!  I don’t think there is anything more peaceful on this earth than a sleeping infant.  Carson has very naturally slipped into big brother mode like an old pro.  Audrey and Grace are also loving their new little sister.  I must say that I’m so pleased with how great the three of them have been.  They are helpful, but mostly they love baby Sophia and can’t wait to hold her when they get home from school.  Audrey has especially been a huge help in the evenings when Marc is at the church and I am short handed.  I have posted some pictures here so you can see the great excuse that has kept me from posting these last 6 weeks.

2 Responses

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  1. Such cute pictures! Thanks for posting! I have to see this fabulous girl in real life! I guess since I can walk and drive and Sophia can’t, I have to come over and play! 🙂

  2. Ok so I see no trace of Lara/Coria whatsoever. That girl is total Hughes and so sweet.

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