Happy Birthday Carson!!!

My boy turned 4 on Saturday, but was sick, so we postponed the celebration to Monday. Carson had fun with his cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Audrey took the reign on the games and did a great job organizing and heading it up. There was pin the #1 on Thomas and a candy walk. She also helped with decorations. We had pizza, fruit, and a Thomas cake (please don’t look too close at the pictures). It was my first attempt at something this grandiose as to the way of cake making/decorating. I also learned that for me fondant is a fon don’t (thanks Sylvia for the wording). All in all, Carson loved it and that is what matters. I love my boy and feel so blessed that Heavenly Father sent me a son amongst all of my beautiful daughters. He balances us out (or at least tries). Carson was so cute as he was opening his gifts. After he opened each present he would say in such a sweet voice “oh, that’s so nice”. What a gracious little boy.

make a wish

make a wish


showing off his "4"

showing off his "4"

"oops, my blindfold slipped"

"oops, my blindfold slipped"

fun with cousins and uncle Daniel

fun with cousins and uncle Daniel

no party is complete without balloons
no party is complete without balloons


5 Responses

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  1. Happy Birthday TarTar!! We love you! We are so glad you are part of our Arizona family!!

    And Ginger, your cake is AWESOME!! I am proud of you!

  2. “AWESOME”? A bit over the top I think. Thank you though.

  3. Carson’s birthday was so much fun. He was adorable when he thanked each person. I thought the cake was so cute. Fun was had by all!!

    Mom XOXO

  4. Fabulous cake! That is something I don’t have patience for…I think it’s too much work to just eat it. I can’t believe how old Carson looks!

  5. You made that cake? You are a rockstar!! I think your fondant skills are superb.

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