Admit it, you remember the Sesame street song. It goes a little something like this…
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
This is what I found tonight when I went to check my children after they had gone to bed and yes, Carson is fast asleep behind those shades.
So cute! I love sleeping pictures, especially ones with sunglasses!
That’s awesome, and holy Audrey, Sophia! I swear that could be a picture of Audrey from that age (and I would know since I did have to share a room with her) 🙂
Aren’t they all so sweet. Maybe Carson is planning to sleep in and does not want the light in his eyes.
I should start wearing sunglasses when I sleep. I am that cool too…
When Darrell was about Carson’s age, he got a fishing pole. He slept with it since he was so excited to have it. A little dangerous, but I guess that’s what boys do. Sleep with the things they like!
Oh good, that must mean that Marc still likes me.
I LOVE YOU!! You make me laugh so hard I woke up Alan…
Alex loved her ruby red slippers from Target so much when she was 4, she would wear them to bed! Love you Carson you are soooo dang cute!!!
So cute, with or without glasses, they are all so sweet and cute.