Happy Birthday Sophia Madalena!

Sophia on her "Birth" day 8/11/08

Sophia on her "Birth" day 8/11/08

On her 1st birthday 8/11/09
On her 1st birthday 8/11/09

My baby turned 1 this week and she actually took her first steps today.  I am always amazed to see how much these beautiful babies grow in just 1 year.  I have been contemplating alot this week about what happened a year ago as I suppose most mothers do when their baby turns one.  For some reason I have felt a special, different peace and joy.  Although I felt happiness when each of my children arrived at their first birthday, it is definitely different this time.  I’m not sure why that is.  I have thought it might be due to the harder labor and delivery I went through to bring this beautiful soul into the world as compared to my other children.  I have also thought it might be the longer physical recovery time it took, or the mental stress and pressure that I have struggled with over the past year since having her.  Mostly, I think I’ve had this calming joy this week because I feel like I’m finally getting back to feeling like myself.  Feeling like myself  is something that I have almost forgotten what was like.  For a while I didn’t know if I ever would feel like me again.  I credit my Father in heaven for this peace that has been restored within me.  I do know with a surety that it is a blessing from Him.

Moving on…. we had such a fun party to celebrate sweet Sophia’s first birthday.  Lots of family came to be with our little cutie on her special day.  Audrey, Grace, and Carson were by her side making sure they didn’t miss a moment of Sophia’s reactions to everything.  Sophia had fun dancing to all her musical presents and she loved the cake and frosting too!  We all can’t wait to see what the next year has in store.
.... and after
…. and after


I love this picture!! She's kissing her own reflection.  Yeah Sophia you are that cute!!!
I love this picture!! She’s kissing her own reflection. Yeah Sophia you are that cute!!!


2 Responses

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  1. I’m glad you’re feeling like yourself again. It always takes me a long time for that too! Enjoy that sweet little one-year old.

  2. so cute and lucky to have you as her mother.

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