Look at my new trick!!


Sophia has been busy learning to walk and talk.  I love this time with my children.  Watching them grow and learn is fascinating to me.  She still crawls mostly, but is really starting to get the hang of walking.  She has also picked up a few words.  Dada (of course.  She loves Marc!)  Mama, Baba (bottle), Bye, Hi, Hello, More, and Dog!  Why dog?  We don’t have a dog, I don’t even like dogs, but evidently she does.  She gets so excited when she see’s our neighbor’s dog, or random dogs in the neighborhood, on TV, or in books.  She now also says “woof” when you ask her what a doggy says.  She is also enjoying pointing at things and saying “that” and when asked where your eye is, she will say “eye” and point to your eye.  Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the occasional climb, just to freak mommy out!  We love you Sophia, you’re getting big and Mommy is excited about it!!!


From the looks of the pictures, you can see that she is excited about it too!

4 Responses

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  1. Sweet Sophia is so happy. I love to see her get so excited about things. She also loves her PaPa and gets excited to see himm (that makes PaPa really happy). I love to see her walk. Haven’t heard her bark yet, bet that is a funny one.

  2. I guess we can add “poop” to her list of words.

  3. Harry loves dogs too, though he isn’t saying the word yet.

  4. Okay, so I forgot to include that she knows what a book is and can say that word. Also, today we went to visit Papa and GiGi (my parents), Sophia couldn’t stop saying PaPa and followed him around like a little puppy (woof). She also attempted the “Creston Bark”! Too funny!

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