Money Makes Me Happy

Last week Carson and I were riding in the car and the radio was on.  Usually I have some sort of children’s CD playing, but for whatever reason the radio was on and Carson evidently was listening.  He started asking questions about what the song was about and the conversation quickly turned to money and I was trying to explain how money does not make you happy.  We had quite a good little conversation (considering it was a 4 year old and his mother).  We talked about how the important things in life are Heavenly Father, the gospel, our family and our friends.  Those things bring us true happiness.  I felt quite satisfied with what was discussed and that was the end of that. (Good parenting points for me ?)

The next night, I was on the computer and Carson came up to me out of the blue and said, “Mommy, money makes me happy.”  UGH!  I thought we had just been through this and I had done a pretty good job as a mommy teaching my young son the right thing.  Well, obviously it did not go over as well as I had thought.  I replied, “No Carson, money does not make you happy.”  He quickly stated, “Yes, money does make me happy because then I can buy GeoTrax and that makes me happy.”  Well, I couldn’t argue with that. 

I guess the moral of this story is don’t listen to the radio in the car with your young children.  Back to the “Barney Mobile” for me.

3 Responses

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  1. Oh Carson, that was pretty funny, you DID do a good job, it will sink in later in life. Keep up the good work, you are a wonderful Mother.

  2. Good Mommy Points: 15
    Carson logical thinking Points: 15

    GeoTrax keeping Boy happy for an afternoon: Priceless

    -Sometimes money makes me happy too. 🙂

  3. Spending money makes me happy…especially if I can find a great deal. Is that the same thing? 🙂

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