Mis-heard Lyrics

Bill Cosby had a show called Kids Say The Darndest Things and even though I didn’t really watch the show, I have 4 little ones that say some hilarious things.

As the title suggests, kids don’t often hear words to songs very well sometimes even kids songs.  In fact, sometimes kids have never even heard certain words before (let’s hope they don’t hear a few select ones for a long time).  For example, Audrey used to sing the line “I’ll prepare myself while I am young” in I Love to See the Temple as “I’ll prepare myself while I am yum“.  The other day the kids were laughing about Carson singing The Twelve Days of Christmas line “…and a partridge in a pear tree” as “…and a cartridge in the pantry.”  Well, today as we were driving home, The Beatles’ Ticket to Ride was on and Gracie asked if they were singing, “She’s got a chicken to ride.”   You can imagine Ginger and I were almost in tears, because just the other day she told us that she used to think, “in the sun he melted” from Once There Was a Snowman was actually, “in the sunny mountain!”

Children.  The gift that keeps on giving.  Please post some of your own mis-heard lyrics.  I’ll have to think of some from when I was a kid…

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  1. Colton used to sing “I’ll prepare myself while I’m Brigham Young”….and when Tony was young he used to think that Come, Come Ye Saints lyrics were “Come, come ye saints, no toilet paper here, but with joy, wet your way”

  2. Hey, I always thought it was in the sunny mountain too.

    You really should have added Carson’s, “SUNDAY!” because Aaron and I sing that every time now.

  3. Those are so funny thanks for the good laugh.
    In We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet my dad thought (when he was a child) that the verse was “we will surely be Smithon’s at last” instead of “surely be smitten at last”. He was really worried. His brother thought in “Have I done any Good?” instead of “Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad”
    he thought it said “Have I chewed up the salve and made someone feel mad”.

  4. I grew up a “Smithson” that is why daddy was so upset because that was our last name.

  5. “I am a child of God and so my knees are gray” (from praying all the time, instead of my needs are great).
    There’s an Easter song that uses “hosanna” a lot. I told my parents we were learning a new Oh, Susanna song.
    Asia’s song “Heat of the Moment” I thought was “Heat of the Ballgame.” I know, no sense!
    Darrell thought “Rain drops keep falling on my head and just like the geiser feeder” instead of “guy’s whose feet are.” He figured he was a little kid and didn’t know enough words to know what that meant. He’d learn those words some day.
    I had a friend who thought Bananarama’s song “Venus” was obscene.

  6. Oh…there are so many….

    Nathan singing Billie Jean – “Beeta Jeeta’s not my love she’s just a girl who thinks that I am the one but Hey! That kid just hit my son.”

    and singing Juke Box Hero – “He’ll be a juice box hero!”

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