This is the story of two fabulous women and their friendship….
11 years ago,
In the foyer of the church,
Two women with two babies,
Found each other while they lurch.
The reason for this behavior,
Was very plain to see,
For the little ones they held so tight,
Were the busiest little bees.
The women began to chat,
As their children they did tend,
The one thought of the other,
I hope she’ll be my friend.
Encounters became more frequent,
More confidences they did share,
Their friendship began to blossom,
Days to weeks and months to years.
The little babies began to grow,
And along came three more-each,
The women helped each other,
Learn, grow, and teach.
Their friendship was not only based,
On motherhood you see,
Couples dates, and girls’ nights out,
Were fun and held dearly.
As time passed, they came to find,
They leaned much on each other,
Daily phone calls were a must,
Finding time was never a bother.
A way of life their friendship was,
A second thought never given,
When one was in need the other reached out,
By Heavenly hands they were driven.
Now the time had come for one to move on,
A new adventure must be had,
Although the other was excited for her friend,
She really was mostly sad.
To channel her feelings a poem she wrote,
No words she thought could describe,
What this woman had meant to her,
Not feelings, but their journey she would scribe.
Thank you Lucinda, for being my friend,
You’ve given much more than received,
Though miles apart we’ll find happiness,
For sisterhood has been achieved.
~Ginger Coria (2011)
You made me cry! I can’t imagine how Lucinda reacted!!!!
Wow! That was amazing! I didn’t realize you guys met with Audrey. I thought it was a more Carson development.
Love it! I’m sure there were tears when you wrote and when she read this! And I happen to agree that you are both fabulous women!
Amazing. 😉
Cried like a baby the first time, and didn’t even make it through the first line this time. I love you Ginger!! I would say more but I can’t see past my tears! BRAT! xoxox
Ginger, your last two post have made me cry….STOP IT!! I do agree two fabulous women!!