This is the word that has been uttered countless times in our home this entire month, with a wave of a wand. We all agreed to dress up as a family theme again since we had so much fun with last years’ Pac-Man. Since the children have taken a shine on the Harry Potter series this year, there was no other choice.
We had a fun Halloween weekend starting with Audrey and Gracie’s annual Halloween piano recital Thursday night. (I’ll try to have Marc put up video of their performances). They played fun Halloween-ish songs and did a great job! Audrey also won the drawing of a music store gift card for turning in her practice sheet. Gracie also was included in the drawing, but apparently it was Audrey’s lucky night.
Friday was a more somber day. It was my Uncle Gene’s funeral. We kept the kids out of school so we all could attend. It has been a hard year, losing 3 dear men in our lives, but the funeral service was beautiful and it is always comforting spending time with family. The day ended more upbeat as we participated in the kids’ school fall festival Friday night. There was a bounce house, obstacle course, petting zoo, game booths, and a cake walk. Audrey continued her luck spree with a win at the cake walk! She chose to bring home my entry. I baked and decorated a “fall themed” cake which actually turned out pretty good (by my standards- which aren’t very high).
Saturday it was on to my mom’s ward trunk-or-treat. The kids had fun with game booths, cake walk, cookie decorating, spook alley, costume parade, dinner, & trunk-or-treating. I had fun too, seeing many familiar faces from the ward I grew up in. I also had a flood of fun memories from many ward Halloween parties and especially enjoyed remembering many “spook alley’s” of my youth.
Sunday was not a Halloween celebration, but it was the ward Primary program. My children did a fantastic job and the spirit was felt strongly. I can’t believe it was my Audrey’s last primary program. She is turning into such a lovely young woman. Carson did a great job memorizing his part and speaking it loud and clear (not too loud though, I’m very proud). Audrey and Grace had solo singing parts this year as well as a special musical number with their primary classes. We’re raising a beautiful choir. Sunday night was time to carve our jack-o-lanterns. Audrey was the night’s official photographer and got some great shots of Marc in action.
Finally Monday arrived which had been long anticipated. After school was this year’s first running club for Audrey, Gracie, and Carson. After they ran their little hearts out it was home to prepare for the nights’ festivities. We attended our friend, Jonae’s, annual Halloween dinner party where Navajo Taco’s are always served. YUMMY! Then home to trick-0r-treat in our new neighborhood. Our friend’s the Downs and Price families joined us. The Price’s were also Harry potter themed, so we had a nice group of Gryffindor’s running around our neighborhood. Overall, it was a great Halloween this year.
Please meet Hermoine Granger, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, and Dobby the House Elf……
Why does Marc look like Ozzy Osborne?
I thought the same thing as V!! How fun that he will even dress up with you. I am a Halloween killjoy and Alan is even worse, YOU ROCK!!