Thank You Grandma!

I could go on and on and on about how great Marc’s mom is, how much she does for us, or how much the grandchildren love her, but this post is to thank her for one specific thing.  Take a look!

She made these great curtains and darling “Thomas” valences for Carson’s bedroom.  Although she completed them quite some time ago, we finally had time to put them up (Thanks Daddio).  Marc was waiting for Carson to clean his room before he put them up and yesterday was THE DAY.  I love the way these curtains dress up his room and bring more color in.  They are perfect.  His room feels cozy now and not so stark.  They also compliment the wonderful Thomas mural by Lucinda that we just can’t get enough of, so here’s a picture of that too.

I don’t know how much longer Carson will enjoy the innocence of his “Thomas” room, but for now I’ll take it!  Thank you Erma!  You’re the best!

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  1. I thank you too Erma, I think you are the best too!!!!

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