Oh No They Didn’t!

They actually did!  My crazy kids got in the pool on Wednesday afternoon.  I, personally, thought the water felt like ice when I put my foot in, but since they had been asking for about a week I said “go ahead”.  Sophia was taking a nap so I didn’t have to get in with them.  I didn’t see the harm, besides, my brother had been here that morning to clean the pool.  It really was the perfect moment for them to brave the cold and get on their inner fish.  Gracie was very proud to be declared the “first one to dunk this year”.  Audrey stayed in the longest, maybe about 20 minutes.  She really got into it turning summersaults and doing handstands in the water.  Carson jumped in and played with his kickboard a little bit, but quite quickly the cold took over and he’d had enough.  I don’t know if they will get in again before spring break is over, but they can say they officially went swimming on spring break…crazy fish!

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  1. oooooo…… burrrrrrr…….so cold but you were all so brave. It looks like you had a fun time. What a nice Mommy you have!!!

  2. Well my kids asked to go swimming Friday. It was a scorching 75 degrees, so I think they would have been very happy to join in.

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