December 2018

December was a fun, busy month.  Ryan and Nicole had their first baby!  We are smitten with her and are so excited.  They named her after Daniel which was very sweet.  Ava Danielle.  It was Gracie’s birthday wish to hold baby Ava.  This wish was granted as Ava came a few weeks early.

We are so excited to have a new cousin/niece!

Birthday wish!

Other notable events in December were gingerbread house making, Gracie’s 17th Birthday, Christmas, an early anniversary trip for Marc & I, & New Years!  It was a beautiful holiday season filled with family and friends.  We have a blessed life!


I can’t believe my Christmas baby is 17!

Audrey showed us what she learned in her organ class at BYU.

I was impressed!

Lara Family Christmas dinner!

Gingerbread houses! Another annual tradition.

On New Year’s Eve, our neighbors had a fantastic fireworks show in our cul-de-sac!

I feel very optimistic for 2019.  Looking forward to growth, change, and love!

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