I had the opportunity to dust off my tap shoes and warm up my singing voice. It was COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone, but I decided to go for it. I hadn’t performed like this since high school, but it was totally worth it!
It all started with a call from a friend from a different ward in our stake, Shelly McCurdy. She was wanting to put together an “Andrews Sisters” type of group to sing a few songs for an upcoming (2 weeks away) ward youth fundraiser event. She asked if I would even put together a small tap number during one of the songs. I was completely mortified, but excited at the opportunity to use a talent that had been laying at rest for far too long. I mean, how often do opportunities like this really come up? I know that when a talent is not used, it can be lost. I also know that although we only had a couple weeks to put it all together, the sacrifice of time and energy would be worth it. It’s events like these that we look back on with fond memories. I also thought it would be good for my children to see what I once used to be passionate about.
It was a struggle learning a song and putting together some choreography, finding time to practice, and memorizing. At the last minute one of our group was sick and unable to perform. Shelly’s daughter, Megan, jumped in like a pro and we pulled it off. We were only able to learn the one song but said it would be fun to reprise the roles again in the future when we had more time to learn more songs and have a little more practice. Our fourth member was my friend from my ward, Holly Sorensen.
Overall, it was a great experience and I think my family enjoyed the performance. Marc was a huge support to me. It was fun for me to have him see me do something I had forgotten how much I loved.

Marc took a video of the performance. If I can figure out how to add it here, I will.
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