The Coria Family

I thought you might enjoy seeing our family in different forms. Which one is your favorite??

The original family

The original family

The animated family

The animated family

The playful family

The playful family

8 Responses

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  1. I love the playful family! Where did you come up with some of these?

  2. Is that ghost Sophia?!? Too funny. Still waiting for my picture

  3. I love little people and I love the Coria’s! What could be better than Coria little people. Memories!!!!

  4. You can thank for the animated family. And yes the “ghost” is Sophia. I’d rather not divulge how much time I spent putting the little people family together. It’s embarrassing.

  5. I LOVE LITTLE PEOPLE!!! But, I also love the simpsonized ones too…I did that for our family and it is hilarious.

    Loved the camping story too… 😉

  6. I’m partial to the little people.

  7. Well, first of all “little people” we are not (except for grandma) and even though I spent most of my early motherhood years purchasing every “little people” item I could find to entertain my children, my favorite is the original one because the others just can’t cock their head the way Gracie can.

  8. Marcos,
    Congratulations for your beautiful family! Really, I feel great gratitude for knowing you and, much better, to have you as friend. I´d like to send you some pics from me and my family. I loved your blog, in fact, I envy it (hahaha).
    Have a great day!
    P.S.: Where are your glasses?
    A hug,
    With love,

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