Ward Campout

Well, we survived a camping trip with a crawler. It was kind of cheating since we had a cabin to let the baby roam around in when she was wanting to roam. The kids had fun sleeping in a tent & sleeping bags, eating WAY too much junk, playing with friends, each other, and sitting around a campfire. I enjoyed the cool weather and the helping hands with Sophia. Marc had a nice time playing his guitar and having ward members join in with singing his tunes. Good times were had by all!

Gracie taking a swing at the pinata
Gracie taking a swing at the pinata


The girls and their "secret hideout"
The girls and their “secret hideout”




around the campfire
around the campfire


Puzzle time
Puzzle time


The Beetles, anyone?
The Beatles, anyone?


See a resemblance?
See a resemblance?




Walking the "type rope" as Gracie calls it.
Walking the “type rope” as Gracie calls it.


Great Big Sis!
Great Big Sis!


more cuties
more cuties


silly boy
silly boy


Rock Star!
Rock Star!

Funny Woman

This afternoon as the kids and I were driving home from my mom and dad’s house Gracie said something funny. I can’t remember what it was because she is always saying funny things. What I do remember is what was said afterwards.
Me: “Gracie, you are a funny girl”
Gracie: “You are a funny woman”
Me: (through my own laughter) “Yes, I guess you’re right”A cute picture of my "funny girl".




I love that Sophia is old enough to play with toys like this. It makes me happy!


Birthday Surprise



As you know, Marc’s birthday was last week and what he didn’t know was that I had been planning a surprise get away for a month.  I had booked us a room at the Downtown Phoenix Sheraton and made all arrangements for the kids (Thanks Erma, you are the best Mom in law and Grandma ever!)  The surprise started Friday morning around 6:30 ish with an email I sent to Marc at work.  The email had a letter attached explaining that he had something coming up that afternoon and to look at his email at 2:00pm for further information.  This letter was coded like a secret agent and finished with the words “self-destruct”.  So, at 2:00 I sent him the next letter with the info of where he had to be and by what time.  He had to decode the location using the latitude and longitude coordinates (thanks Jonae for the idea, you are a GENIUS!).  Long story short, he found me in the hotel lobby and was very surprised.  We had a great night walking around downtown.  We ate at Majerle’s- best french fries ever.  Then we went to Civic Space Park.  There was a band with live music and the weather was great.  We were able to sleep in and not be woken up in the middle of the night by Carson (Again, Erma you are the best).  We had a late breakfast and then returned home.  It was a great time and I am so pleased that I was able to pull off a surprise for Marc.  He was pleasently surprised as well.  The above pictures are from the view from our room.

Saturday night was a pre-planned birthday dinner with friends.  We ate yummy dinner at Marc’s cousin’s fry bread restaraunt, Cafe Laguna.  It was great!  Thanks everyone for coming a celbrating with us.


He's reaching into a Victoria's Secret bag.

He's reaching into a Victoria's Secret bag.Phew, that was close! Thanks Grohmans!

And the birthday week long celebration comes to an end.  I love you Marc (Agent 8-18).

Chores Anyone?

So, like most mothers (I think), I’m always trying to figure out a way to make helping around the house a little more appealing to the children.  I’m always trying to remember what chores my mother had my siblings and I do when we were younger to get ideas of what my children can handle and what skills they should be learning.  Then I think of some household chores and what more of a chore it would be if I had to teach my children how to do it, then follow up after them to make sure it actually got done.  The worst case scenario is that I would have to do the chore with them until they know how to do it correctly—UGH!  I’ve debated back and forth in my mind for a quite a while and decided to bite the bullet and just do it.  Give the children more chores, help them for a while and then hopefully, sit back and relax a little in a few weeks when they can do it on their own.

A week ago on Monday night for FHE I presented the new chore chart for the kids.  They had been complaining for a while that they were tired of their old ones and I didn’t blame them for that.  It has been Audrey and Gracie’s responsiblity for about 2 years to clean their bathroom every Saturday morning.  Carson’s chore for Saturday was always take out the recycle.  They all did quite a good job, but it was definitely time to mix it up.  I decided to put this on the blog in hopes that I will give someone an idea if they are struggling in the same area I had been.

As a side note, these are weekly chores and do not include their daily responsibilities such as make their bed, clear their plates at meal times, pick up their belongings from the floor and take care of their folded laundry when it appears on their beds.

So here is how our new chores are executed.  I came up with 15 chores that I felt my children were capable of learning and completing successfully after some instruction and practice.  I made it 15 so I could split them evenly between the 3 oldest kids, 5 each.  Every Monday night during FHE the new chores are chosen.  I made a “Weekly Chore” can out of a canned vegetable can.  Then I put in 15 pencils eraser side up with a number 1-15  (written with a Sharpie) on the bottom of each one.  They take turns one at a time drawing a pencil from the can and reading me the number.  Each chore has been numbered and Marc created a chart with the chores listed with their number.  The chart is divided by week with 4 weeks and dates listed.  Once that chart is completed, we will print out a new one.  Under each chore is a square that I put each child’s initial so they can look and remember throughout the week which chores are theirs for that week.  The kids have the whole week to complete their 5 chores.  They can do them whenever they want during the week, thus eliminating the Saturday morning whinies.  They only need to do most chores once.  There are a few that are required more than once during the week.  When their chore is complete, they can choose a sticker to put on their initial to show that the job has been done.

I must say the children were so excited when I was unveiling the new plan that they could hardly contain themselves.  When it came time to choose their new chores, there were cheers, smiles, and jumping with excitement.  I believe that Audrey even said, “Toilet? Sweet!”  after drawing that chore the first week.  Well, if the new chore chart can get that type of reaction, I’m all for it!

For ideas, these are the 15 chores:  Toilet, bathroom sink, bathroom mirror, bathtub, dining room mirror, dust and polish living room furniture, dust and polish piano room furniture (This includes the arcadia door), vacuum living room, vacuum piano room, vacuum kids bedrooms, unload the dishwasher (as many times necessary throughout the week), set dinner table (every night that week), sweep the front walk, spot mop the floor, take out recycle (as many times necessary).

You may ask what incentives we give the kids, well so far this is new and they are just excited to be getting different ones each week, so we haven’t run into that issue yet.  Currently the only incentive is a sticker for each completed chore and the gratification of knowing that you have helped out the home and family.  Personally, Marc and I don’t believe in giving the kids allowance for basic chores that help make the house run.  These, in our opinion, are responsibilities that come with being part of a family and we have taught the kids this so they don’t expect it.

If any of you have ideas for teaching kids to work or want to share how you do it in your house, please feel free.  I love finding out how other people do things, especially if they work.  Eventually, the novelty of a new way of doing things wears off and you have to start over.  Also, if you have any other suggestions of other chores I would love that too!

Happy Cleaning!!

The new chore can

The new chore can

The chore chart, just to give an idea.

The chore chart, just to give an idea.