Father and Son Campout

Marc is not the photographer of the family which is funny because he actually was a professional photographer in our early years of marriage. Anyway, I am the one that is always behind the camera taking snapshots of the kids. Since Marc didn’t take any pictures of him and Carson over the weekend camping, I had to take the “after” shots. Yes, my boy can’t seen to keep a scratch off his nose for more than a few weeks without reinjuring himself. Poor kid will probably have a permanent scar. Even with the owie, they still had a great time and Marc told me that Carson did not want to leave when it was time to come home. Last year Marc took an air mattress and filled it up in the back of the van and slept there with Carson instead of hauling up a tent for one night with a 2 year old. That seemed to work out well, so he had the same plan this year. I guess when Carson got tired, he told Marc “I’m sleepy”. So Marc went to the van to start filling up the air mattress. Carson asked what he was doing and Marc said that he was making the bed. Carson responded “Dadio (this is what he calls Marc), that is not a good idea. That’s when I was two. I a big boy now, I go camping.” Well, after some discussion Carson decided it was okay, but next year Marc will definitely have to take the tent.img_4003blog

Just had to share

Gracie brings me her stack of papers from school to look at every afternoon like a good little girl. She is always adamant that I sign any important papers the minute she walks in the door so she can return it the next day for “happy tickets” (talk about great incentive). Yesterday as I was looking at her papers, I noticed this picture she had doodled on the back of an assignment. She likes to doodle and does frequently, but this one was so cute, I wanted to share it with you all. She did trace the ice cream scoops from the front of the page, but the rest is all her.

Baby Girl Gone Wild!?!

After dinner (hence the toplessness) I decided to take a few pictures of Sophia since I know she isn’t going to be a baby forever and have been feeling that I haven’t taken many pictures of her lately. Well, as you can see, the camera seemed to excite her. Oh no, watch out!


The Curious Adventures of Tiss and Tar-Tar: Fun with Water


Who does she look like?

Now that she is getting bigger and more active, people are starting to notice Sophia more. Everyone has an opinion of who she looks like, but everyone’s opinion is different. What’s yours?

Sophia 8 months

Sophia 8 months

Audrey about 8 months

Audrey about 8 months

Gracie about 9 months

Gracie about 9 months

Carson about 7 months old

Carson about 7 months old