The People I Love, My Family.

Well, with it being Valentine’s weekend and all, I thought I would make a little tribute to the people I love and why I love them.

Erma-Because you raised a wonderful son and taught him to be a great husband and father

Sylvia- Because you are strong and dependable

Jim – Because you make Sylvia happy

Veronica – Because you are so knowledgeable and you are the little sister I never had

Aaron – Because you bake all manner of deliciousness

Carmen – Because you are too cute and my children love you

Harrison- Because who doesn’t love a handsome baby?

Mom – Because you have taught me everything good and right and I can always turn to you for anything

Dad- Because you taught me hard work and sacrifice

Deanna – Because you give of yourself so freely and love me unconditionally

Dean – Because you make me laugh (and roll my eyes)

Creston – Because you are a thoughtful big brother and you love my kids

Ryan- Because you are insightful and righteous

Daniel- Because your love is so pure

Emily- Because you are so confident

Megan-Because you are fun to be around

Bryce- Because you keep Gracie on her toes

Kevin- Because you are tough

Valerie- Because you are beautiful and sassy

Sophia- Because you are a sweet soul sent to our family to bring us joy

Carson – Because you are such a great big brother and you always have a love for me

Grace- Because you are so sensitive and loving

Audrey – Because you are so gentle and responsible

Marc – Because you truly love me and make me know my true worth

I love you all and feel very blessed every day of my life for each of you!


7 random things…

So my friend Elise tagged me for this.  I guess I’m supposed to write 7 random things about myself, things that maybe my blog readers don’t know.  Here goes….

1.  I never carried a purse until I started my professional career.  It was always a day planner & backpack, from high school through college (yes I used to have a life, places to go, people to see).

2.  I am listening to Carson and my 2 nephews playing hungry, hungry hippos right now.  Good thing I took motrin earlier tonight.

3.  Typos & misspelling are probably my biggest pet peeve.  Especially when I do it.

4.  I was a cheerleader in high school & I’m proud of it!!

5.  I love performing

6.  I am a bedtime gestapo.  8:00pm SHARP!!!!!  (I’m speaking of the children).

7.  I don’t get offended very easily.

I tag Jonae (so she will update her blog & because I’m curious), Laura because I haven’t heard from you in a long time and thought you were coming for Christmas (hee, hee.  Do you even have a blog?).Lastly I tag Stephanie because you always make me laugh & I love laughing!!!

Guess what song that is…

The first song on the playlist is one most people that grew up in the late 80’s, early 90’s will recognize.  But this clip has a twist.  Enjoy!  Especially Steve.

There are more…

4 Generations

I really enjoy generation photos!  We were able to go and visit Marc’s Grandmother while she is in town staying with Marc’s Dad.  She is from Michoacan, Mexico.  She comes every few years, but it had been a while since the children had seen her last.  I think it was before Carson was born and Audrey and Gracie were pretty little (they don’t remember).  Before we went over to visit, we told the children that they would be seeing their great-grandma from Mexico and that she didn’t speak any english.  Gracie’s reply was “not even one little word?”.  Although they couldn’t communicate through word, I think the children had a good time seeing their great-grandmother.  Grandpa’s offering of mexican bread didn’t hurt the visit either.

Happy Birthday Audrey Beleza!!!

I can’t believe that my sweetie girl is 9 years old today!  She is growing into such a lovely young lady, everything a mother loves in a daughter.  She is friendly, kind, helpful, intelligent, funny, beautiful, talented, faithful, and strong.  I hope you have a wonderful day today Audrey.  We love you!!