The curious adventures of Tiss and Tar-Tar: Crime and Punishment

Carson (Tar-Tar) and his partner in crime (aka Friend) Chris (Tiss) have some very curious adventures together.  I thought I would share them upon occasion.  The names “Tiss” and “Tar-Tar” are the cute mispronunciations of a 3 and 2 year old.

The Crime….. (They quietly found my bag of shredded papers that had not been taken out to the trash and decided to have a little fun).


The Punishment….. (Take out the recycle trash).



12 Years and counting

Although our anniversary has already passed, I couldn’t go without letting the blogger world know how much I love my husband of 12 years.  We were married January 10, 1997 in the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple.  I loved him that day, but love him today even more.  I have come to learn that love does grow with time.  I can’t believe that it has been 12 years, but it sure has been a fabulous 12.  Here are some picutres of our ride thus far…

Get off my back already!!

Yes, it has been three months that I have lost in blogging world.  Some fault of my own, but some not.  Our computer went on the brink back in October, crashed in November and we got a new one in December.  In the meantime we had Sophia’s baby blessing, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Gracie’s 7th birthday, Christmas, New Year’s, a wedding anniversary, and new carpet installed, which added to the lack of computer access.  So there you have it.   I don’t know what to write about now since all that stuff is no longer new and exciting, but Marc keeps asking me when I’m going to post again.  I figured the world’s end is quickly approaching since the Arizona Cardinals won the NFC Championship and are going to the Super Bowl so I better put up a new post quick!! 

I’ll let you all in on the latest “Gracieism”.  The other night at dinner Gracie said “You know King Doctor Martian Lootion?  Well, I don’t know how to say it, but he had a dream on his birthday.”  Thank Heaven for little children they can be hilarious!!!  I can always count on her for a good laugh.

Oh, I made my first Craigslist purchase today, my brother Ryan would be proud (he purchased all the furnishings for his new house along with window treatments and flooring from Craigslist- yes, he is single).  It is a Bumbo and Sophia loves it.  I’ve put a picture up so you can see how awesome these things are if you are not familiar with them.

Sorry this post is so random and weird, I am very ill with a wicked cold and very foggy.  At least you don’t have to see Yoga, Oga anymore.

Yoga, Oga

Thanks to a friend in my ward, Julie, Audrey and Grace took an intersession Yoga class with Julies’ daughter Morgan over the Fall Break.  It was fun for them to try something new and Gracie was excited to try something that let her practice her “flexible” (as she puts it).  Since Julie is such a dear she offered to take the girls each time and stay with them so I wouldn’t have to tote the new baby and Carson around.  Luckily though, we got to take the girls and watch them on their last class yesterday.  Carson had felt very left out of the “oga” classes so he was excited to go watch them.  Here are pictures of the girls doing their yoga positions and Carson on the sidelines trying to copy them.  It was very cute to see him study their moves and try to duplicate.  Carson was playing with his trains after trying the yoga moves.  He insisted that I take “Gordon’s” picture.

The @!#& Dog Defaced My House

So, I love Marc’s sister Sylvia (Sya affectionately) and am thrilled that she and her husband Jim have moved here to Phoenix recently.  Having said that, I do not share those same feelings for their dog.  Those of you that know me, I mean REALLY know me, know that I am not what you would call an “animal person”.   In fact, I dare say that I don’t like animals (you can send the hate mail to my mother).  Yes, they are God’s creatures and do many wonderful things for humankind, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.  Still, I prefer people.  Anyway, the reason for this post is to give you all a good chuckle on my account.  Sylv and Jim were kind enough to come by and visit last night with dinner (gotta love that Peter Piper).  Unfortunately they brought more than dinner with them.  In Sylvia’s arms when we opened the door was Myles (or Miles, I don’t know how they spell their dog’s name).  Since I was not raised with dogs, I know nothing about breeds.  I just know that her dog is cute to look at.  It is white, small, and furry.  Also, if you don’t know, my children have adopted my fear and disdain for dogs (sorry kids, I didn’t do it on purpose).  After holding the dog for a while Sylvia put him down.  We couldn’t put him out back because half of our fence fell down in the last big monsoon storm and our yard is one with our neighbors’ yard.  As soon as the dog was released from Sylvia’s arms,  all chaos erupted in our home.  The kids screamed and tried to run away from this yapping beast.  This must have frightened the pup because it decided to run over on my rug right in front of the couch where I sat feeding my new baby and threw up.  Yes, the dog got sick right in the center of my living room.  It then proceeded quickly to the dining area of our kitchen while Sylvia screamed, yelled at the dog, apologized to me and threw her hands in the air as she scurried to find some cleaning supplies.  While in the kitchen the dog then pooped on our tile, not one poop, but about four or five decent sized droppings.  Sylvia was beside herself and I was speechless.  Sylvia cleaned up the mess and then the dog was quickly escorted outside and ended up on a leash in our backyard for the rest of the evening.  Wow, those Guzman’s really know how to shake things up!  Sylvia and Jim, you both are invited back anytime you would like to come and visit, but I must firmly disinvite your doggy to our home indefinitely.  🙂